Paroles d'Américains
I think the death penalty should be abolished. But, then again I don’t think that sentencing one to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole is…
Paroles d'Américains
I think the US will eventually abolish capital punishment. A society, any society, has to put itself above the common feelings for revenge. It cannot take revenge…
Paroles d'Américains
To be honest, I think that no one can take your life and no one should! But for abominable crimes, the prison for life is too extreme too. Prison is not only…
Paroles d'Américains
While I reject the death penalty as a legal punishment, I do not favor proposition 34’s proposal of replacing it with life imprisonment without the possibility…
Paroles d'Américains
I would like to learn more !
Paroles d'Américains
The death penalty should be abolished, and I believe that it will be done on a state-by-state basis instead of on a national level unless the U.S. Supreme Court…
Paroles d'Américains
Capital punishment is a hard thing to abolish completely. While life imprisonment without parole is a preferable solution from a humanitarian standpoint, is it really…
Paroles d'Américains
I really hope that Proposition 34 will be accepted by Californians. Death penalty is clearly not acceptable for a state of law and a democracy like the USA. I am…
Paroles d'Américains
I am horrified that innocent people have been sentenced to death for crimes they did not commit, and applaud the Innocence Project and others working to free the…
Paroles d'Américains
I am against the death penalty. For members of society who need special help or need to be isolated in order to keep from harming others, there are other options.…